Air Quality and Hygiene

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Together for clean air

Good air quality requires effort on the part of authorities and companies. Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of regulations and technical procedures in the field of air hygiene, we support authorities with enforcement and advise companies on the optimization of facilities and work processes. Together, we are committed to clean air.

Air is a vital resource that has a direct impact on human and environmental health. Since the introduction of the Ordinance on Air Pollution Control (OAPC) in 1986 and the start of continuous air pollutant measurements, air quality in Switzerland has improved significantly. Nevertheless, constant monitoring of pollutant sources and regular adaptation of the regulations to the current state of the art are necessary to ensure that air remains clean.


Because we humans spend 80 percent of our day indoors, the quality of indoor air is particularly important for our health. Pollutants can enter from the outside or be released into the interior by building materials and technical equipment. These aspects should be taken into account in planning and operation. We are committed to the sustainable use of air as a resource. We advise both public authorities and companies on their concerns with the aim of continuously improving air quality and air hygiene indoors and outdoors.


Consulting services for authorities

The consistent implementation of legal regulations on air pollution control requires technical expertise and organizational skills. We are very familiar with the process of enforcement in the field of air pollution control and can effectively and efficiently support authorities in their tasks. In addition, thanks to our cooperation with specialists and regular training, we are well informed about all current developments in the field of air hygiene.


Our services for authorities

  • Support in the enforcement of emission control for stationary plants
  • Development and monitoring of measurement campaigns
  • Air-hygiene assessment for road projects and traffic measures
  • Preparation and revision of guides and leaflets
  • Quality assurance and auditing


Consulting services for companies

We have many years of experience in developing concepts and measures to reduce emissions and improve air quality and air hygiene. Through close cooperation with the authorities, we can provide you with optimal support in complying with regulations. We maintain a holistic approach and take into account technical, ecological and economic factors to determine the best possible solution.


Our services for companies

  • Development of measurement concepts and measures
  • Material-ecological construction monitoring for a healthy indoor climate
  • Preparation and testing of VOC balances
  • Feasibility studies for renovations
  • Hygienic assessment of ventilation systems
  • Training of employees