Lukas Dürr

Senior Advisor

Lukas Dürr focused on the real estate and construction industry after successfully completing his bachelor in mechanical engineering. He took over project management and consulting mandates, completed the MAS Sustainable Construction and thus expanded his expertise in energy and building technology, certifications, sustainable portfolio management and ESG reporting. Lukas Dürr is Head of Sustainable Building at intep.

About me

With my apprenticeship as a plumber, I have learned the craft of the construction and real estate industries right from square one. With my studies and various further training courses, I was able to increase my knowledge and skills along the entire real estate life cycle.


As a father and passionate outdoor athlete, topics such as climate change, development of natural areas or resource scarcity also concern me above and beyond my profession as a consultant and influence many other decisions in my daily life. In the context of sustainability, I am particularly fascinated by the construction and real estate industry. With the aesthetics of architecture, the complex processes of project and portfolio management and communications with the very different actors, this industry unites many of my passions and interests. Due to the immense influence of the real estate industry on resource and energy flows, sustainability is of particular importance, and knowing this supports me in my work on a daily basis.

Education and Training

B.Sc. Mechanical engineer (Bern University of Applied Sciences)

MAS Sustainable Building (ZHAW/FHNW)