Dr. Johanna Pohl


Johanna Pohl holds a doctorate in environmental engineering and brings expertise in energy efficiency and life-cycle assessments, especially in conjunction with digitization. She brings many years of experience from scientific operations, where she conducted research into the interface between digitization and sustainability. At intep, she helps with environmental and resource management.

About me

I studied waste management/contaminated sites in Dresden and Izmir (Turkey) and then completed my doctorate on the environmental impact of digital services at the Technical University of Berlin. I mainly use environmental assessment methods, especially the life-cycle assessment to environmentally assess processes and services. In this context, I have previously worked on the topics of energy supply, energy efficiency, thermal energy, and smart homes. I want my work to contribute to enabling a good quality of life for everyone within the boundaries of our planet.

Education and Training

Dr.-Ing. Sustainable Engineering (Technical University of Berlin)

Dipl.-Ing. Waste management / contaminated sites (Technical University of Dresden)


  • Research fellow at Zurich Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development (ZKSD)
  • Member of the Association for Ecological Economic Research, VÖW e.V.


Expert activities

  • Expert work for scientific journals