Nicolas Worbs


Nicolas Worbs is studying communication part-time at the ZHAW in Winterthur. He assists with communication at intep, using the opportunity to merge theory and practice.

About me

My professional career began in an advertising agency and with training in business communication. I gained work experience in a wide variety of areas before starting my studies in communication at the ZHAW in the summer of 2020.


I was attracted to intep by the opportunity to apply my studies in practical contexts, as well as by the countless perspectives from which sustainability is viewed, analyzed, and rethought here. This kaleidoscopic approach to making sustainability a reality in our living environments fascinates me, teaching me something new every day about the potential integral planning has on the development of our living spaces.

Education and Training

Kaufmann EFZ (Communications)

Cand. B.A. Communications (ZHAW Winterthur)