Energy Regions and Energy Cities

Advice for municipalities and regions

We advise municipalities and regions that are committed to a sustainable energy and climate policy and support them on their way to obtaining the Energy City certificate. This is awarded for continuous implementation of ener-gy and climate policy measures beyond legislative periods. With our many years of experience in Energy City con-sulting, we accompany municipalities and regions towards a sustainable energy future.

Intep supports municipalities and regions that pursue a consistent and results-driven energy and climate policy. As accredited energy city advisors, we offer professional support if you want to be certified as an energy city or energy region. Our professional expertise allows us to advise you on the topics of energy efficiency, renewable energies, climate and environment and support you in using local potential, gaining more autonomy and becoming less dependent on imported energy sources.


Energy City consulting

The Energy City Certificate is an instrument that ensures the implementation of energy and climate policy measures beyond legislative periods and personnel changes. It also serves as a measurement instrument to make the results of the commitment visible and comparable over the years. We advise municipalities in the  areas of the Energy City Catalogue. For this purpose, we conduct an inventory by means of interviews with the responsible members of the administration and authorities. We work out energy policy goals with you, compile all the necessary documents for the label application and the audit and put together the corresponding programme of activities. Examples of this are:


  • Energy balancing: Survey and analysis of current energy demand (electricity, heat and mobility) and energy sources over the entire municipal area.
  • Municipal and regional energy planning: Coordination of energy supply in the municipality and alignment with structural development for a local, renewable and sustainable energy supply.
  • Energy accounting for municipal buildings and facilities: The consumption of municipal buildings for heat, electricity and water as well as the costs are recorded over several years and provide insights into energy efficiency.
  • Support and/or conduct surveys, events, seminars, exchanges of experience, workshops and other activities related to energy and environmental issues.
  • Development of mission statements, concepts and guidelines on energy and the environment, such as climate adaptation and green space management, 2000-watt concepts, renovation or heating replacement concepts, guidelines for ecological procurement.
  • Writing articles on current energy and environmental topics and on community-specific activities to be published in community organs.
  • Clarification and support for participation in funding programmes in the areas of renewable energies, energy efficiency, climate and mobility.


Advice and support for Energy Regions

We can achieve more together. As an Energy Region, municipalities with organized inter-municipal cooperation can pursue energy policy goals together with their inhabitants, entrepreneurs and organizations. The Energy Re-gion programme is supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) and provides funding for the imple-mentation of measures in the six fields of action set out in the Energy City Catalogue (see above under Energy City Consulting). We accompany and advise energy regions in the planning and implementation of policies for the en-ergy and environmental sector.


With our Energy City consulting team and our experience from many years of consultancy work in municipalities and regions, we are the ideal partner to support you in all activities related to Energy City and Energy Region.


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