Environmental Law

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Environmental Law

One of our main areas of expertise is environmental law, in particular immission control law, nature conservation law, water law and soil protection law. We advise municipalities, public authorities, public law institutions and pri-vate companies on the application and implementation of environmental regulations in Germany and Switzerland.

We examine the compatibility of projects under immission control and construction law with the requirements of nature conservation, immission control, waste and water law and provide advice regarding the legally sound execution and the examination criteria of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the strategic environmental assessment (SEA). One of our main areas of interest is the consideration of the consequences of climate change in the implementation of the EIA and the SEA.


We support project sponsors, municipalities and other stakeholders in the application of the impact regulation according to the German Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) and investigate whether species protection requirements need to be considered in the planning and construction of roads, the determination of sites for wind energy plants or the renovation of a house facade.