Martijn Visser

Senior Consultant

Martijn Visser is a building services engineer with a degree in HVACKS from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and a double degree from Tongji University Shanghai. As a trained heating designer, he brings several years of project planning experience from all planning phases. He is committed to raising the awareness of building owners in their energy efficiency radius.

About me

In the area of climate and energy management at intep, I have access to motivated clients to pursue climate goals and sustainable resource management. It is important to me that these project initiators can maintain their motivation through the project.


I want to bring my experience from the planning world and project realization into this environment in a supportive way. With a promoted understanding, the resources are used purposefully. An understandable and justifiable project that the realization partners can identify has the greatest potential to meet the ethical requirement.



Education and Training

B.Sc. Building Technology Heating-Ventilation-Cooling-Sanitary, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

B.Eng. Building Electrics and Intelligence, Tongji University Shanghai China