Céline Ramseier takes over as Head of the "Climate and Energy Management" division

Supporting companies, organizations and communities on the path to net zero

October 25th 2023 | Claudia Bucher

Céline Ramseier took over as Head of the “Climate and Energy Management” division on September 1 and joins the intep management team as a member of the Executive Board.


Dear Céline, we are delighted that you have been actively supporting the intep team for 7 weeks now! How was your first month in your new job? Did you get off to a good start?

Thank you very much for the warm welcome over the last four weeks here at intep. My first month has been very pleasant and I feel I am in a good place with this independent and successful team.


I appreciate intep’s commitment to sustainable values and the economy for the common good – this is very important to me personally.


I work on exciting projects, also against the backdrop of the changing framework conditions in Switzerland and the DACH countries. It is important to me to emphasize that climate and energy goals can only be achieved together. This means that we need to work together not only as a company, but also as a society, from the residents to the municipalities and companies. As a team, we are well positioned and I am confident that we will achieve our goals together.


I am looking forward to the coming months and the exciting journey that lies ahead of us.


What did you do before joining intep and what were your main tasks/projects? Are there any particular successes you would like to mention?

Before joining intep, I worked for nine years at the energy department of the canton of St. Gallen. I worked on the foundations for the cantonal energy policy, including the development and implementation of the cantonal energy concept, with a focus on communication and awareness-raising and all measures “in and around the house” and the updating of the cantonal energy law. I also set up the public relations work and the implementation platform energie2030.ch with the energy blog.


What are your goals for the “Climate and energy management” area at intep? Are there any changes you would like to initiate?

In the area of climate and energy management at intep, I would like to support companies, organizations and municipalities on their way to net zero. My goal is to establish a competence center for energy and climate within our company and increase our visibility. To this end, we are expanding our team and building a good working relationship with Christina Ohrehounig in Vienna.


I see exciting changes and growth potential that I am looking forward to and I am determined to achieve our goals.


What are you passionate about outside of work?

Outside of work, I find joy in my family, my garden and nature. Dancing and climbing are hobbies that I enjoy. I also enjoy the little everyday pleasures, such as jumping on the trampoline with my daughter. I also like to enjoy the good life – with a good meal, for example.