Tongji University

Project design week

July 13th 2021 | Jilong Zhu

To improve the understanding of sustainable development, integrated planning and green buildings, intep was invited to provide project design guidance to students of  “Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (CDHAW) at Tongji University”. The study week dealt with the topic “Green Assessment and Renovation of existing Buildings”.


Intep started the project desing on July 9th with a keynote speech for the students and is available for questions as well as for the evaluation of the results.


Dr. Feng Lu-Pagenkopf, Senior Consultant of intep, and Jilong Zhu, General Manager of intep’s Beijing office, held an online lecture for the students of Tongji University. Jilong Zhu introduced the students and teachers to the development of building energy efficiency regulations and standards in Germany and China, the ideas and framework of the German building energy efficiency policy, and the German local building evaluation systems, such as the German Sustainable Building Rating System (DGNB), the Passive House and the KfW Efficiency House.


Dr. Feng Lu-Pagenkopf gave a lecture on “Integrated Planning and Zero Carbon Buildings”, in which she introduced the concept of zero emission buildings. She also introduced the concept of integrated planning through case studies and helped the students to understand the requirements of this project design and the knowledge needed through a case study on the energy retrofit of a residential building in Switzerland.


Through the project design, intep is able to impart its understanding of integrated planning and its knowledge and experience in the field of sustainability to the students, and further strengthen the cooperation with Tongji University.