Macalester Athletic Facility

Macalester College students and faculty developed a building-specific vision statement of sustainable design for a new campus athletic facility.

Reducing investment and life cycle costs while optimizing environmental impact


Project period



Macalester College

The Client’s Goals

Project goals presented for consideration and action by the Athletics & Recreation Steering Committee:

  • – Achieve the highest quality building at the lowest lifecycle cost
  • – Create a simple form with a dynamic design quality
  • – Design for adaptability and flexibility – current and future uses
  • – Use resource efficient systems and components that are easy to maintain
  • – Inspire our community through buildings that teach sustainability
  • – Create a healthy building to serve healthier people

Intep’s Tasks

The college retained Intep to employ an integrated planning approach to create ambitious guidelines that ensure sustainable design, construction and operation were implemented in the creation of a new college campus athletic facility. The framework was shaped by students, faculty, architects and Intep’s consultancy team.


The Result

Intep created a series of “Duty Books” to define Macalester College’s sustainability goals, list outcomes as originally designed and provide projections given Intep’s recommendations as they relate to the new facility. Highlighted outcomes include:

  • – 6% reduction in overall building size;
  • – 14% reduction in energy use (MBtu/yr]
  • – 39% reduction in mechanical system size
  • – Minimized winter heat loss & summer heat gain
  • – Continuous exterior insulation & airtight building envelope
  • – Highly efficient mechanical systems
  • – Interior spaces lit via natural daylight where possible
  • – Minimized water & electricity use
  • – Healthy building materials & interior environment for optimal Indoor Air Quality
  • – Robust site stormwater management plan
  • – Deconstruction plan for existing buildings w. 20% reuse & 60% recycling benchmarks
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