Oskar Reinhart Collection "Am Römerholz

Intep was commissioned to prepare the operational planning for the Oskar Reinhart Collection "Am Römerholz". With clearly defined interfaces and a good coordination between construction and operation side, requirements and objectives could be formulated concretely. As a result, the concept for operational planning was drawn up in close coordination with the construction planning, thereby ensuring a smooth transition from the construction to the operating phase.

Operations concept in accordance with the construction planning


Project period

2009 - 2010


Bundesamt für Kultur BAK


Operational planning running in parallel with the construction planning

The Oskar Reinhart Collection “Am Römerholz” is presented to visitors in unique surroundings and rooms with a unique atmosphere. It is one of the most important private collections of the 20th century. It comprises some 200 works of European art from the late Gothic period to the threshold of classical modernism. The floor area is 3’053 m2 and has about 34’800 visitors per year. In addition to the areas designed for exhibitions, rooms for concerts / events, readings, lectures and a museum café are available to guests on site.


As part of the renovation, significant improvements were made to the climatic and safety systems. Some logistical improvements were achieved by adapting the premises. For the modernization of the complex structure, the structural planning had to be coordinated with the operational planning. The parallelism of operational planning with construction planning required the following objectives:


  • Determination of operational requirements
  • Operational planning aspects from the rough layout to the detailed processes
  • Determination of the operational resources
  • Documentation of the detailed operational procedures
  • Clear interfaces between construction and operating side


Intep was commissioned to support the project owners in the operational planning. In this context, it is essential that intep takes over the coordination and implementation of the tasks arising from the operational planning in terms of content and organisationn.


Creation of the operational planning resp. concept

Creation of the evacuation manual

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