Housing Development

Chris Züger on Unsplash

Sustainably develop the housing stock in your city or municipality

Demographic change, immigration and emigration, the goal of a social mix, new residential trends and internal densification all place complex demands on urban or regional housing supply. Foresighted, strategic action is nec-essary in order to be able to control the housing supply in a targeted manner. We develop housing strategies and concepts that can support the sustainable development of the housing supply in your city or municipality.

The questions to be addressed with regard to housing are manifold. What needs do potential newcomers have in terms of housing? How can demographic developments be taken into account and anticipated? How can a high-quality supply of housing be ensured in the long term? What means can be used to control the supply of housing in a targeted manner? How can the public sector set a good example in the development of its real estate? We can support you in the sustainable development in your city or municipality:


  • We analyze the housing market and the population composition of regions, cities, communities or areas and show past and current developments.
  • We work out the needs and demands of the current resident population and new target groups for housing in your region, city or municipality, for example in the form of surveys or within the framework of participative processes.
  • We support the formulation of strategic goals, point out target-oriented approaches to action and de-velop recommendations for the implementation of concrete measures.
  • We evaluate previous housing policy activities or measures designed to improve access to housing for specific target groups.


Intep has many years of experience in consulting municipalities and cities. Our social science expertise and proven know-how in the design of participation processes enable well-founded and targeted analyses.