SwissCham Webinar Review

Sustainable entreprenuership based on sufficiency and carbon accounting and reporting

February 2nd, 2022 | Nicolas Worbs

The first webinar organized by on “Sustainability Disclosure and Sufficiency-Oriented Entrepreneurship” took place on January 20. Experts from H&B Law and intep gave insights into their work and expertise.



Heidi Mittelbach and Beat Stemmler from intep gave an input talk about sufficiency in the context of sustainable business and entrepreneurship. Their presentation focused on carbon accounting and reporting and the “Greenhouse gas protocol” (GAG) as a method to record CO2 emissions in a standardized way. This allows all activities in the supply chain, including upstream and downstream, to be quantified holistically. This empowers entrepreneurs to take effective action on sustainability and business strategy.


With the simultaneous implementation of strategic sufficiency in the company, eco-balancing offers the opportunity to remain competitive and resilient in the long term and to take on a pioneering role in economy.