Integrated climate protection concept

Photo: Gemeinde Dallgow-Döberitz

Intep is developing a specially tailored Integrated Climate Protection Concept (IKK) for the municipality of Dallgow-Döberitz in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Directive. The concept is to strategically plan future climate protection activities of the municipality and to anchor climate protection in the municipality.

Climate neutrality by 2035 in Dallgow-Döberitz


Project period



Municipality of Dallgow-Döberitz

The municipality of Dallgow-Döberitz is located in the east of the Havelland district in Brandenburg. In September 2020, the municipality decided to become climate neutral by 2035 – ten years earlier than the Federal Climate Protection Act stipulates for the federal government. This is intended to contribute to achieving the climate goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.


As part of the project, Intep will first prepare an energy and greenhouse gas balance sheet for the municipality. With the help of this, the optimal reduction path for reducing emissions can be determined and a potential analysis and scenario creation can be carried out. Subsequently, measures are developed that contribute to achieving the set goal of climate neutrality by 2035. These will be recorded in a catalogue of measures, the heart of the concept.


It is crucial for the success of the climate protection concept that the measures developed can actually be implemented by the community. Therefore, all citizens are actively involved in the creation of the concept. Within the framework of participation formats developed especially for Dallgow-Döberitz, such as workshops and online questionnaires, they can contribute their ideas, wishes and suggestions for the concept.


Participation and public involvement

Municipal energy planning

Integrated climate protection concept

Environmental compatibility

Environmental sustainability

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