Building Planning and Building Regulation Law

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Building planning and building regulation law

Building planning law regulates the legal quality of the land and its usability to determine how a plot of land or an area may be built on. Building regulation law, on the other hand, determines the requirements for construction-related hazard prevention in concrete structural facilities. We support you in checking the permissibility of concrete building projects under building planning and building regulations law as well as in the legally compliant implementation of planning procedures.

Construction planning law is part of the overall spatial planning. It is regulated primarily in the Building Code (BauGB), the Building Utilization Ordinance (BauNVO) and the Zoning Ordinance (PlanzeichenVO). Construction planning law regulates the legal quality of the land and its usability. Municipalities determine under which conditions and to what extent an area or a plot of land may be built on based on building planning law. To this end, they draw up urban land use plans, insofar as this is necessary for urban development. While the land use plan for the entire municipality must depict the type of land use that will result from the intended urban development in accordance with the foreseeable needs of the municipality, the development plan specifies the type and extent of the permissible development of one or more plots of land, or even larger areas on a parcel-by-parcel basis. In addition, building planning law regulates permissible use of areas for which no development plan has been drawn up.


In contrast to the area-related building planning law, the building regulations law regulates the requirements for building-related hazard prevention in concrete structural facilities. It contains specifications for the construction, modification, use and demolition of buildings and for the building inspection procedure. The building regulations are laid down in the building codes of the respective federal states. On the basis of these, the municipalities examine the permissibility of specific building projects.


We support municipalities, planning offices, private and public-law project sponsors and other stakeholders in checking the permissibility under building planning and building regulations law.