Electromobility and E-Infrastructure

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Electromobility and e-infrastructure

The field of e-mobility and e-infrastructure plays an important role in achieving climate targets. Electromobility is increasingly becoming a component of a smart and resource-conserving lifestyle. However, the expansion of renewable energies also requires intelligent management and sensible integration. We support you in meeting these challenges with comprehensive consulting services for mobility solutions and the mobility management of the fu-ture.

Transport accounts for a large share of total energy consumption and must be taken into account in sustainable real estate management. There is considerable energy efficiency potential in the area of motorized individual transport, and with the expansion of electromobility and the availability of the necessary e-infrastructure, fossil fuels can increasingly be dispensed with in the mobility sector.


Plans and concepts for public transport, urban development and environmental policy offer many starting points for laying out concrete goals and anchoring measures for the introduction of electromobility. Electromobility can be introduced in many ways in areas such as car and bike sharing, mobility management, charging infrastructure, residential areas, commercial traffic, and many more. In this context, the public sector acts as a role model and pushes the promotion of electromobility.


We provide expert advice on the conceptual development and integration of e-mobility in new buildings, existing properties or entire portfolios, as well as on site development in connection with energy generation, procurement and management of infrastructure and mobility management. We support you in integrating e-mobility into the overall environment and in assessing the feasibility and implementation of the project.

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