Sunna Seithel


Sunna Seithel holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences (University of Oldenburg) and a master's degree in Human and Economic Geography (University of Zurich). After working as a research assistant at the University of Zurich and the Association for Sustainable Business (öbu), she now applies her expertise at Intep as an analyst in the field of socioeconomics.

About me

Sustainable development can only succeed with the inclusion of all perspectives and actors: The areas of environment, economy and society cannot be considered separately if we want to be successful in the long term – as a company, as a community, or as a society. This interplay fascinates me; the will to develop solutions together, to use synergies and to share expertise drives me. My education in environmental sciences (Bachelor of Science) and human and economic geography (Master of Science) have enabled me to look at many challenges from both an environmental and social lens. As a communications officer at öbu, the association for sustainable business, I worked with companies and organizations of different kinds and got to know their challenges and strategies. Now I am delighted to be able to help shape the projects of such an interdisciplinary, innovative company as Intep and to advance sustainable development together with our partners and you.

Education and Training

B.Sc. Environmental Science

M.Sc. Geography

unCertificate in Community Building (STRIDE unSchool for Collaborative Leadership)


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