Management Board Member
Martina Alig
MSc ETH Environmental Science

Together with her team, Martina Alig promotes the sustainable use of resources and the protection of the environment and strengthens organizations for future resilience. She uses her many years of experience in life cycle assessment and life cycle thinking in her consulting work to quickly identify the key issues and tackle them efficiently and effectively. In doing so, she combines her scientific background and data-based analyses with questions of change management and organizational development. As head of the Environmental and Resource Management division and in her role as school president of the municipality of Greifensee, Martina Alig leads various teams unerringly in a wide range of working environments.
External review of life cycle assessments in accordance with ISO 14040/44, DIN EN 15804 and KBOB quality guidelines
Expert in validation and verification of compensation projects (VVS)
Licensed Assurance Provider AccountAbility Framework.