User Communication and Public Relations

Image source: Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

For higher user satisfaction and reduced resource consumption

Despite state-of-the-art technology, resource consumption can often be higher in actual operation than planned. User behaviour is an important factor. Intep supports your municipality or your organization in target group-oriented communication - for a higher satisfaction of your residents, tenants, managers or employees and for an efficient and sufficient use of resources.

The most efficient technology is often only as sustainable as its users behave. If, as a result, resource consumption after commissioning is significantly higher than calculated in the planning, this is also referred to as a “behavior gap”. With target group-oriented communication, intep supports you in reducing resource consumption and increasing user satisfaction. In doing so, we draw on many years of experience in working with a wide variety of public and private stakeholders, particularly in the areas of energy and buildings, but also in other areas of consumption and in pioneering topics such as sufficiency.


From guides and fact sheets to participation processes – the communication measures are diverse and will be adapted by us to your specific target group and situation.


Communication for resource-optimized use and operation of buildings

We enable your residents to operate devices and systems in their apartment or the building services in an environmentally friendly manner to achieve a high level of comfort. By determining the building-specific reduction potential, identifying effective, efficient and sufficient measures and analyzing the residents’ lived practice, we develop target group-specific communication measures. In this way, residents become more competent, reduce their energy consumption and are more satisfied.


Resource consumption in everyday routines

We empower inhabitants of cities to act in the interests of a sustainable future. The focus is on resource consumption in everyday routines in housing, food and mobility. In interactive and creative workshops or action days, residents reflect on their consumption, learn about possible courses of action and develop measures for their own resource-conserving everyday life. In doing so, we rely on the dialog between the city and its residents as well as between the residents themselves.