Re-use and Sharing Concepts

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Re-use and sharing concepts

The re-use and sharing of resources in the form of high-quality parts, items or components are an important part of the circular economy. We create potential analyses as well as re-use and sharing concepts for your company, community or region. In particular, we advise you in the areas of re-use of components, industrial symbiosis as well as sharing of objects.

Re-use & industrial symbiosis

As versatile as the resources we use are, so are the possibilities for re-use. Examples of applications with high potential are the re-use of parts, plant (components) and operating equipment, the closing of loops in industries (industrial symbiosis) and the promotion of urban mining.



For buildings

The built environment is a vast storehouse of usable materials. It contains resources, gray emissions and financial values. By means of a comprehensive and systematic potential analysis, we can determine the feasibility as well as the economic and ecological potential of reusing resources in your building or building portfolio. With comprehensive re-use concepts, we show the re-use possibilities of components, estimate the savings in terms of costs and environmental impact, and find suitable sales opportunities.


For companies and economic regions

By cleverly linking production chains, waste from one company can serve as a valuable resource for another. Our re-use concepts for companies identify usable secondary resources. The concepts show necessary changes in logistical and organizational company processes and support your search for symbiosis partnerships. It is particularly interesting to look at symbiosis opportunities within an economic region. Here we take over the communication and mediation between the actors as a neutral point of contact.


For cities and municipalities

Cities and municipalities can specifically promote the re-use of resources by including re-use in their procurement concept and by creating new infrastructure (e.g., component storage) and additional functions (e.g., new services in recycling yards).

Sharing concepts

While the sharing of objects is becoming increasingly important in the private sphere, especially in mobility, the potential of sharing options is far from exhausted.


For large and small companies, regions, cities, communities or neighborhoods, we create sharing concepts that are tailored to the overall conditions. The first step is to carry out a potential analysis to identify objects that are suitable for sharing. The sharing model is then defined in a concept: Showing the process of how the resource should get from one party to the next, what infrastructures and organizational structures are needed for storage and/or transportation, and whether there are suitable insurance solutions. The business analysis shows how the sharing model can be operated in a cost-neutral or profitable way. In addition, the concept may include suggestions for publicizing and marketing the service.


Such concepts can vary between organizations and target groups, and can be either purely digital or analog. Sharing concepts can for example be used in large companies to save on procurement costs (e.g. by means of internal online sharing platforms). In communities, cities or neighborhoods, added value can be created for the population by making sharing offers available and maintaining them. For example, library-like structures can be created for sharing or exchanging everyday objects.

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