Xinyu Wang


Xinyu Wang is specialized in renewable energies and supports the coordination of sino-swiss zero carbon building projects. She already has various experience in portfolio management of solar and battery projects, project evaluation, lender bid analysis, and financial cash flow model optimization and application.

About me

My journey in the sustainable field started when I completed my master’s study of renewable energy engineering and management. This educational background provided me with a solid foundation and comprehensive knowledge of energy systems. Throughout my career, I have developed a deep understanding of solar energy in practice, what technical and economic parameters would contribute to the success of solar projects located in different areas. I’d like to expand and integrate my knowledge in renewables into other industries, and I believe that cross-industry knowledge exchange is vital for driving innovation and addressing global sustainability challenges effectively.


China has developed an extensive body of regulations and policies to raise the energy efficiency of many sectors and thereby reduce growth environmental consequences, including carbon emissions. Apart from the knowledge itself, I believe a close collaboration, and a good communication between China and Europe is important and beneficial for both sides.

M.Sc. Renewable Energy Engineering and Management, Freiburg University, Germany

B.Sc. Resource and Environmental Science, Northwest A&F University, China

Certified Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance, Frankfurt University, Germany

Best Practice Project Finance Modelling, Advanced Project Finance Modelling, Mazars consulting (London)

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