Sustainability Consulting for Products and Services

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Sustainability consulting for products and services

There is a growing demand for sustainably designed products and services. This is due to increasing consumer awareness and ever more stringent political regulation. Sustainability involves taking a holistic approach to products and services. Our interdisciplinary teams bring together a high level of expertise in environmental, social and economic issues.

Sustainability has entered the public consciousness in recent years and is increasingly determining consumer behavior. Products and services must therefore meet constantly evolving requirements. On the one hand, this is reflected in the demands of consumers and, on the other hand, in legal regulations.


Sustainability is about responsible product design on an ecological, social and economic level. At intep, we have broad expertise and experience in all three areas. We can therefore guarantee a high quality holistic evaluation of your product or service through our consulting services.


Ecological level

More and more companies are relying on transparent life cycle assessments as the basis for targeted reductions in their environmental impact. This involves calculating the environmental impact of a product or service over its entire life cycle. Intep has extensive expertise and experience with the methodology of life cycle assessment in a wide range of industries as well as the common standards, product declarations and certifications.


Social level

Every step in the life cycle of a product also has an impact at the social level, which must also be included in a comprehensive sustainability assessment. Sustainable development can only take place if it takes into account the interconnectedness of people and nature. That is why intep also offers Social Life Cycle Assessments (LINK), which provide a holistic evaluation of a product’s life cycle. In addition, intep evaluates and calculates the Social Return on Investments (SROI) and thus enables the economic evaluation of social activities.


Economic level

Environmentally compatible and socially equitable products and services must also satisfy market factors. With this in mind, we also carry out profitability calculations. In doing so, we determine the economic key figures and relate them to the environmental and social factors. Intep’s goal is to combine profitability and sustainable development and to show you the medium- and long-term benefits of environmentally-conscious business management.

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