Elena Berta

Team leader

Elena Berta holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering and a Master's degree in Real Estate Management. She has six years of experience in sustainability consulting with a focus on building certifications and is an accredited LEED expert.

About me

Through my studies as an environmental engineer and the MBA, I have acquired various competencies that help me in consulting to find innovative and sustainable solutions. When monitoring building certifications, I advise clients who want to think one step further and improve. I support them in developing innovative and sustainable building concepts and connect the project requirements with the desired standards and labels.


Due to my many years of experience in the field of international building certifications, I bring a high level of motivation to advance the holistic approach to sustainable building in Switzerland and Germany. It is more important than ever to construct buildings in an ecologically sound way and to consider them over their entire life cycle. With my expertise, I bring together various disciplines to find the best possible solution for building projects.

Education and Training

B.Sc. Umweltingenieurwesen, Vertiefung Natürliche Ressourcen und Erneuerbare Energien (ZHAW)

MBA Real Estate Management (ZHAW/HTW Berlin)


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