Zero Energy Buildings in China

One third of China’s energy consumption is generated by the building sector. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MoHURD) is actively promoting ultra-low energy buildings and is supported by SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). Intep and Skat Consulting Ltd. contribute their expertise in energy-efficient construction and are responsible for the project implementation.

Advancing Zero Energy Buildings in China with Swiss Know-How


Project Period

2020 - 2025


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)


Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of the building sector in China

China’s economic development and rapid urbanization over the past 40 years resulted in a construction boom which has led to a series of environmental challenges. In order to achieve a greener and more sustainable development, reducing building energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector is a top priority for the Chinese government. Recognizing the urgency, the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD) requested cooperation with SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) to promote buildings with the highest energy efficiency.


As a result, a new project was launched, in which Intep together with Skat (Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development) won the tender as the executive consultants. They will support SDC with their expertise in the field of energy efficient building design and standards, implementation of demonstration buildings, and strong work experience in technical developments within emerging countries.


The project will support China in the development of zero energy building standards and assist in their implementation through pilot projects. In addition, there will be valuable knowledge transfer and growth for Chinese professionals through the sharing of Swiss know-how.


2000-watt and 1-ton CO2 concepts

Eco-, energy- and CO2-bilances

Design, Planning and Engineering

Energy analysis and audits

Coaching, Training, Support

Zero Emission Standards

Sustainability standards and labels

Low-energy and passive house standard

Sustainability and environmental management

Applied Research and Development

Plus-energy districts and buildings

Process analysis and management

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