Data and Document Management

Data and document management for future-proof real estate management

Data and documents and their management are also playing an increasingly important role in facility manage-ment. It is therefore important to identify the relevance of the data, to evaluate the usability of existing data and its quality, and to derive goals for facility management. We advise you on BIM projects regarding data and require-ments in facility management and accompany CAFM implementation projects.

The procurement and definition of the necessary data for facility management thus begins in the early project phases and must be recorded in a phase-appropriate manner and applied to the relevant processes in planning and construction-related FM as well as operational management.


An important factor for success in the commissioning and future operation of a building is complete and addressee-oriented building documentation. This not only serves as a service component for planners and executing companies, but also as a tool to accompany commissioning from the operator’s side in a well-justified manner. In addition, the construction documentation forms the basis for the creation of necessary operational documentation, e.g. in the form of an operating and object manual. Intep supports and teaches the correct handling of the digitization of your data.


With standardized building information models, extensive investigations such as dynamic thermal simulations or operating cost calculations can be carried out with little effort. Thus, not only the design qualities, but also the costs incurred by a building and its environmental impact can be optimized. With standardized building information models, extensive investigations such as dynamic thermal simulations or operating cost calculations can be carried out with little effort. Thus, not only design qualities but also the costs caused by a building and the environmental impact can be optimized.




BIM2FM data field catalogs

Regarding the attribution of FM data in BIM-based planning, it is necessary to create a data field catalog for the FM. In this way, it can be guaranteed that the requirements of facility management for the BIM model are formulated at an early stage and introduced in a phase-appropriate manner. With regard to the different FM service creation processes, the requirements of the FM for the attribution of components and facilities according to eBKP-H are presented in a structured way.


Results and publications

As an expert in the field of FM consulting, intep has participated in the IFMA research project BIM2FM. The guidelines and data field catalog developed as part of the project will be published and made freely available by the CRB at the beginning of 2020.


The goal of the BIM2FM data field catalog is to define the requirements for FM already in the context of BIM-based planning in order to enable a smooth transition of the data from the digital building documentation to the digital operational documentation, e.g., in a CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management) system.