Evaluation and Impact Analysis

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Foundations for targeted and efficient projects, programs and measures

A project’s success is increasingly measured by its impact. What does a project achieve for its target group, and what contribution does it make to the larger vision? And: How big are these effects?

Design and implement projects effectively

For example, for cantons and federal offices we analyze and evaluate the impact of strategies and funding programs on the parties that are directly and indirectly affected, and for municipalities, for example, the consistency of climate protection concepts. We think about scenarios in advance and model their potential economic and social impact, for example in the case of infrastructure projects.


For companies, as sustainable development progresses, it is crucial to compare the impacts of their current activities and those of alternative, sustainable business models. With an empirically based evaluation, companies are able to align their profile to achieve their desired impact. They recognize stumbling blocks at an early stage and can reinforce positive effects.

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