Life Cycle Assessment for Products and Services

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Life cycle assessment for products and services

A life cycle assessment quantifies and transparently presents the effects of a product, a company or a service on the environment. This provides the basis for a targeted and efficient reduction of environmental impact. We support you in the preparation of your customized life cycle assessment.

From a rough screening to a detailed comparison of variants – our many years of experience and our interdisciplinary team guarantee a specific, customized solution for every need. In doing so, we take into account the resources and knowledge available to you.


Determination of environmental impacts

A life cycle assessment determines the environmental impact of a product, including all environmental impacts that occur in their supply chain and operation. The entire life cycle is taken into account – from raw materials to production and use to disposal.


Intep prepares life cycle assessments in accordance with current standards (ISO 14040ff, KBOB, DIN EN15804, etc.). With our long-standing and comprehensive expertise in various industries, we support you in selecting the appropriate level of detail, the data collection process and the interpretation of the results. If required, we can suggest suitable mitigation measures and support you in monitoring them.


We are convinced that sustainability is a core issue for every company. We therefore support you in incorporating LCA processes and results into your standard processes (e.g. SAP).


However, LCA is also an important basis to determine which of your products and/or product parts are, for example, particularly CO2-intensive, and which could accordingly have a positive impact on your greenhouse gas balance if substituted.


Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) describes the functional and technical properties as well as the environmental impacts of building materials and building products. The environmental impacts are presented quantitatively on the basis of life cycle assessments and relate to the entire life cycle of the product in question. EPDs form an important basis for the sustainability assessment of buildings and serve as an official source of evidence for building certifications according to DGNB, LEED, BREEAM and BNB. In Switzerland, the building certifications MINERGIE-ECO and SNBS as well as the building standard “SIA Effizienzpfad Energie” require a life cycle assessment based on the database “Ökobilanzdaten im Baubereich” (KBOB list).


Intep supports you in preparing the LCA required for the EPD and advises you on requirements and data evidence. If you supply the Swiss market, we recommend that you include your product in the KBOB list and support you in preparing the LCA in accordance with the KBOB guidelines. Intep also carries out reviews of life cycle assessments according to KBOB and DIN EN 15804.