Space Requirements and Utilization Concepts

HarryJ Burgess on Pixabay

Space requirements and utilization concepts

Successful management requires the correct and timely identification of user needs and a determination of space requirements for the user groups. In the case of new buildings and restructuring or changes to existing properties or the search for suitable real estate, user representation with the definition of user requirements are basic prerequisites. We support you in this process and will carry out user representation as well as determine space requirements and create utilization concepts.

Determination of space requirements

The space requirements for different user groups are identified in an analysis and definition of user processes, we lead this process and guide our clients in the private or public sector to a space requirement determination that includes future requirements. An analysis of the current situation and the derivation of changed needs and future requirements play a major role in determining the target state. When determining space requirements, the space needs, the space requirements as well as the necessary space relationships of one or more user groups are recorded. In addition to a comprehensive plan of space and the presentation of the functional/space relationships, the findings from the analysis of the user processes are recorded in a utilization concept. This can also include future usage flexibilities, which may become necessary, for example, due to organizational or personnel changes. For the determination of space requirements, various measures are available as tools and the experience of numerous reference projects, including workshops with user groups. The results subsequently serve the planners as a basis for a feasibility study, a study contract or for the development of a concrete building project.


In addition to determining the space requirements in cooperation with the users, we also examine the resulting space requirements for use that result from the building’s operation. This includes, among other things, areas for housekeeping, cleaning, care and maintenance as well as supply and disposal. The space requirements can also be determined in connection with the development of an operating concept, a competition program or a project specification.


Utilization concepts

A utilization concept shows the requirements of the different user groups for operation and management. The utilization concept covers the operating and utilization processes, taking future developments into account. Within the framework of a utilization concept, the available space and utilization potential of a property are shown. The utilization concept serves future users as a source of information and as a basis for their occupancy planning and is particularly suitable for user-neutral office or administrative buildings and the office space concept. The utilization concept shows, on the one hand, the framework conditions for use and, on the other hand, the utilization flexibilities, e.g. in the area of workplace design or multifunctional spaces. The aim is to determine the target requirement for areas and room uses (area definition). The basis for this is the current situation as well as the future development of the organization in order to be able to optimally align the areas of a property with the future use and the needs of the users.

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