
Photo by Migros

Sustainability scale for products

April 20th 2021 | Claudia Bucher

In the future, Migros will evaluate all products of its approximately 250 private brands in the most important aspects of sustainability.


Migros is introducing a sustainability scale for its products. This will be listed on all Migros products and will show customers how a product performs in terms of animal welfare or climate protection in a rating system of 1–5. The rating for animal welfare is based on the factors of an animal’s outdoor run, housing and use of medication. For the calculation of climate protection, the entire life-cycle assessment is taken into account, from cultivation to packaging.


The so-called M-Check seal was also previously available on products. However, Migros developed it further together with the Bern University of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences, as well as the life-cycle assessment company Treeze and Intep. Intep has supported Migros in classifying the products into rating categories and is now working on further improving key figures for the greenhouse gas rating.


Migros media release