Energy concept, municipality Eglisau

The municipality of Eglisau is committed to a responsible use of the resources energy (efficient - sufficient - renewable) and soil resp. space. In order to lay the planning foundation for future projects and to ensure environmentally friendly energy use, intep is developing an energy concept including a communal energy planning.

Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources


Project period

2019 - 2020


Municipality Eglisau


Energy concept and municipal energy planning

An energy concept defines energy policy principles and objectives and identifies fields of action including concrete measures with which, based on an impact assessment, the objectives can be achieved. Within this framework, the spatial energy planning aims to coordinate the energy supply in the municipality and to adapt it to the structural development of the municipality. The aim is to use local renewable energies in the most efficient way, increase the local added value, gain more autonomy and become independent of fossil fuels.


In the municipality of Eglisau, future fields of action will be defined on the basis of the current situation and local potentials. These include increasing the energy efficiency of the property portfolio and the optimal energy use from waste heat and renewable energy sources. Further fields of action lie in the areas of procurement, mobility, coordination and communication.


Taking the expected development, the future efficiency and local potentials into account, intep is developing an energy concept and a map showing areas with priority or suitability for a particular energy source. Short, medium and long-term measures for implementation are being developed by intep for the planning period of the energy concept including associated monitoring.


Analysis of the current energy use on the municipal territory

Analysis of the energy consumption of municipal buildings and facilities

Analysis of future energy requirements and determination of local potentials

Definition of objectives and coverage areas with the par-ticipation of the various stakeholders

Development of implementation activities for the achievement of objectives and for the monitoring.

Create energy plan map and report and communication

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