
Final report “Living lighter – shaping the future”: Resource-saving potential in urban family households (German only)

The “Leichter leben – Zukunft gestalten” project promotes resource-saving lifestyles in urban households. Baden participated as a model region with the support of SwissEnergy. The final report highlights the town’s experiences and insights.

Participating households were supported in developing and implementing measures for a more resource-conserving everyday life. The focus areas included housing and energy, nutrition, mobility, waste and other forms of consumption. Central to the project were building knowledge about the general environmental impact of these areas, reflecting on individual environmental footprints, and exchanging ideas with other families and the city of Baden.

The potential of self-developed measures to reduce resource consumption is considered very high. The report summarizes the key success factors identified. Project findings that are relevant for the city of Baden and its further development of measures for its sustainable development were integrated in the form of recommendations for action for the city.


Manager Business Division Socioeconomics
Management Board Member

Dr. Christian Schmid