2000-Watt and Zero-Emission Concepts

Photo by 2000 Watt Areal

The 2000-watt society, its instruments and net zero

The 2000-watt society is a vision and an energy and climate policy concept that addresses two challenges facing society as a whole: climate change and the scarcity of sustainably available energy resources. The 2000-watt soci-ety translates national energy and climate goals to the municipal level and offers a definition of "net zero." It pro-vides orientation and shows the way forward.

The goals of the vision are basically simple, namely a just and climate-neutral society. Specifically, there are three overarching goals:


  • Energy efficiency: 2000 watts of primary energy per person per year.
  • Climate neutrality: net zero in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions
  • Sustainability: 100% renewable energy supply


The foundations of the 2000-watt society are set out in the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, the climate goal of the Federal Council to stop emitting greenhouse gases by 2050, the Energy Strategy 2050 and the findings of the IPCC. There are diverse instruments for implementation that work on different levels (regional, community, neighborhood/area, building level). For example, the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) has developed a standard for buildings and the federal government has developed the 2000-watt site label for existing and new sites and areas. This makes it possible even today to realize or transform building projects that create the conditions for a zero-greenhouse gas emission society.


We at intep have many years of experience, especially with the “2000-Watt-Site” certification, which was largely developed by intep together with two official 2000-Watt-Site consultants. Our company thus concentrates a high level of expertise for zero-emission concepts. Whether with or without certification, we are always guided by national targets and scientific findings in order to provide you with situation-specific solutions to achieve the net-zero target for your community, your neighborhood/area and your buildings.



The “2000-Watt-Site” certificate was created on the basis of the “2000-Watt Society“. Under the umbrella of EnergieSchweiz (Swiss Federal Office of Energy), this certificate is awarded to sites that stand for energy efficiency, renewable energies and climate friendliness, as well as for sustainable mobility, an attractive living environment and high quality buildings. A site is inspected and recertified every two years during development and every four years during operation or transformation. There are three different types of certifications:


  • “In development” – from the construction phase to commissioning
  •  “In operation” – after successful commissioning
  •  “In transformation” – for areas on the way to fulfilling targets


We are happy to lend our expertise to support you on your way to the net-zero target. Starting with a feasibility study, we will personally accompany you all the way to the initial certification and beyond, returning periodically to assist with re-certification.

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