Population and Company Survey

by Mirko Grisendi on Pixabay

Qualitative and quantitative surveys according to scientific standards

Understanding the needs of employees and residents, determining customer satisfaction - we conduct surveys of diverse target groups. It goes without saying that we use appropriate survey methods and evaluate the data ac-cording to scientific standards. Our expertise in empirical social research ensures target-oriented design and effi-cient implementation.

In order to effectively develop services and products, offers and actions as well as strategies and measures, it is essential to have access to information from the relevant stakeholders. We support companies and the public sec-tor in surveying diverse target groups, such as customers and employees, users of infrastructures and services, specific population groups or experts and multipliers. We carry out scientific and result-oriented quantitative and qualitative surveys from A to Z, depending on the question you are asking:


  • We sharpen and operationalize the research question, review existing data, assess data availability and define the survey needs.
  • We define the sampling process and recruit interview partners or survey participants from the target group.
  • We identify suitable digital and analog survey channels and ensure smooth organizational processes.
  • We apply suitable qualitative and quantitative survey methods.
  • We process and evaluate data with suitable statistical and interpretative analysis methods according to scientific standards and in a results-oriented manner.
  • We show the relevance of the results for the overarching research framework, the processes of your organization or your products and services and develop suggestions for improvement and recommendations.


With strong competencies in empirical social research and our experience in consulting and research, we can en-sure target-oriented survey design and efficient implementation. The broad content-related competencies in in-tep’s network of consultants enable us to build on existing knowledge, quickly identify key points and thus ask the “right questions”. Thanks to our research and consulting experience, we know how to help insights gained have an optimal effect.

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