Process Analysis and Management

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Analyze and effectively optimize processes

In order to increase the performance of an organization or a company, it usually takes a systematic examination of processes to identify weaknesses and their potential for improvement. For this purpose, we offer process optimization of organizational units including moderation.

In a process analysis, we basically look at all the processes within an organization, always with a focus on sustainable development. Depending on the target agreement, we then focus on different processes:


  • Business processes
  • Sales processes
  • Technical processes
  • Decision-making processes
  • Communication processes
  • Corporate management


The aim of a process analysis is to increase the performance of a company or organization. To this end, processes are broken down into their individual parts and weak points are systematically revealed. On this basis, optimization potentials and improvement opportunities can be determined.


Various methods can be used for a process analysis. For this purpose, we use various procedures such as best practices, the identification of facts or the evaluation of characteristics in the industries. These methods are based on instruments such as interviews, questionnaires or workshops. In addition, we can support you in the management of processes relevant to success in everyday operations.


Process management

Ideally, a successful process analysis should be followed by process management to make sure that processes can be optimally adjusted to the needs of the organization. In addition to identifying processes and their potential for optimization, workflows are designed, documented, implemented and their efficiency analyzed on a cyclical basis.


The company’s own context is also an important aspect of optimal process management. This includes the strategic orientation of an organization, the corporate culture as well as the involvement of process participants. We support you with professional and long-term experience in project organization, conceptual design and implementation.