Maria Sautter

Senior Consultant

Maria Sautter studied Biology at the University of Zurich and completed a CAS in Energy Consulting. Since January 2018 she has been working for intep as a sustainability consultant.

About me

Based on several years of experience in the field of energy consulting, I develop recommendations for energy-related measures in building renovations. My area of responsibility includes energy balances and the management and monitoring of energy accounts. I am experienced with sustainable procurement and introduced sustainable procurement guidelines and organized workshops in various municipalities. I am also very familiar with the air-quality requirements for combustion plants, thanks to our regulatory work. Finally, in addition to my consulting activities, I am also active as a lecturer and speaker at training and continuing education courses.

Education and Training

Dipl. Biology (UZH)

Teaching diploma for Matura schools (UZH)

CAS Energy Consulting (HSLU)

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