
E-mobility for Zurich's cantonal vehicle fleet


Real Estate Office Canton of Zurich

Project period



Award of a framework contract for charging stations
Milestone for climate-friendly mobility in the canton of Zurich

In order to achieve its climate targets, the canton of Zurich is converting its vehicle fleet to e-mobility by 2040. To ensure that the cantonal infrastructure meets future requirements, the real estate office planned a standardized procurement and management of charging stations for canton-owned properties. Intep managed the process for tendering and awarding the extensive contract.

The starting point

The Canton of Zurich is aware of its role model function and responsibility to achieve climate goals and is therefore focusing on electromobility, among other things. The aim is to have a completely CO2-free fleet by 2040. To ensure a smooth operation, a comprehensive charging infrastructure for both cars and commercial vehicles needs to be set up and managed. The canton’s own buildings are to be equipped accordingly by 2030.

With this in mind, the Real Estate Office of the Canton of Zurich planned to invite tenders for a framework agreement with an e-mobility provider for the procurement and management of charging stations. Intep took over the project management.

Our contribution

Intep was responsible for preparing the tender documents, conducting the tendering process and reviewing and evaluating the bids.

The selected provider will handle the delivery, installation and commissioning of the charging stations over a period of 10 years: The framework contract specifies an expected requirement of around 880 electric charging stations to be built successively by 2025. The provider is also responsible for operation, maintenance and fault rectification as well as managing energy billing.

With this project, the canton of Zurich and intep have paved the way for sustainable mobility. Since signing the contract with the new provider, the number of charging stations has already more than tripled: an important step towards fossil-free mobility.


Senior Advisor
Management Board Member

Katrin Mark