Zero Emission Neighborhood of OPES

Bild: OPES Immobilien Gruppe

The OPES Immobilien Group is further developing its properties "Am Oberwiesenfeld" in Munich. The result is a sustainable neighborhood with an urban mix of businesses and different types of housing. Intep is taking on comprehensive sustainability consulting for the "Zero Emission Area".

A neighborhood with closed resource cycles


Project Period



OPES Immobilien Gruppe

In the coming years, the OPES Immobilien Group will develop Knorr-Bremse AG’s disused industrial space into a new district for more than 1,000 residents. This is characterized by a mixture of housing with offices, shops, food outlets, a day care center and a nursing home with supervised living. A park with green, open spaces that can be used by the public will also be laid out on the previously built-up site that will be unsealed in the future.


Intep supports the implementation with comprehensive and integral sustainability advice to the client regarding the “Zero Emission Area” goal. Zero emission buildings or areas cause only low emissions to air, soil and water, since all resource cycles are as closed as possible. The design concerns the areas of energy (grey energy, operating energy and mobility), water (drinking water, grey water), biomass, as well as a number of other environmental aspects such as biodiversity. The focus is on the use of energy efficiency, renewable energies, water efficiency, ecological and recycled building materials and reduced land use.


Sustainable urban and neighborhood development

Zero emission standards

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