Feng Lu-Pagenkopf

Senior Consultant

Feng Lu-Pagenkopf is an architect and urban planner. She is responsible for projects based in and in collaboration with China. She has extensive expertise in the classical construction industry as well as in the areas of sustainability and energy-efficient construction. Before joining intep, she worked as a consultant for sustainable urban development and project manager for an international collaboration between Europe and China.

About me

I have been very interested in the topic of sustainability since I was a student. My thesis was an alternative concept considering sustainable urban development for the financial district Lujiazui-Huamu which was built in Shanghai-Pudong in the 90s.

In the course of my professional life, I have not only worked as an architect, but also as a consultant on the topic of sustainable development for, among others, EXPO 2000 Hannover, Siemens AG and Shenzhen Institute of Building Research. It is exciting to see how Europe has developed in the last 40 years in the field of sustainability and energy-efficient building and how China achieved a great economic leap forward at the same time.

Sustainability is a process of thinking globally and acting locally. China has a great responsibility in this regard and plays an important role in its implementation. In order to best apply our European know-how and experience for projects in China, is very important to ensure a close collaboration with our Chinese customers, partners and colleagues.

Education and Training

B. Sc. Architecture

Dipl. -Eng. urban development/urban planning

Dr. -Eng. Architecture

Volunteer activities

Lector & Lecturer, Journal of Building Energy Efficiency in China


  • Co-Leitung der Vorlesungen “Technische Darstellung”, Seminare “Präsentation und Portfolio” und Workshops “Architekturdarstellung” am Fachbereich Architektur, Universität Hannover 1998 – 2003
  • Leading online courses on the theme of “Sustainable Building” at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST), Hangzhou, P.R.China, since May 2021
  • Co-Lead for project design week on the topic “Green Assessment and Renovation of existing Buildings” at Tongji University, Shanghai/China, since July 2021



  • Wolf, T., Untergutsch, A., Wensing, C., Mittelbach, H., Lu-Pagenkopf, F., Kellenberger, D., Kubowitz, P. (2020): Potenziale von Bauen mit Holz. Erweiterung der Datengrundlage zur Verfügbarkeit von Holz als Baustoff zum Einsatz im Holzbau sowie vergleichende Ökobilanzierung von Häusern in Massiv und Holzbauweise.
  • Dissertation „Darstellung von Bewegung – Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Darstellung von Bewegung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Architekturdarstellung“, Deutschland 2003
  • Übersetzungsschrift „Das Bild der Dörfer, – Dorferneuerung in Niedersachsen“ (Prof. Wilhelm Landzettel), Serienveröffent­lichung in der taiwanesischen Monatszeitschrift „Der ländliche Weg“, Taiwan 2002, In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Taiwanesischen Architekt Dr. Yi Chiang Jiang
  • Chinesische Fassung „Shanghai – eine Stadt über dem Meer“ (Deutsche Text: Dirk Schubert), Hamburger Geographische Studien Heft 49, Hamburg und seine Partnerstädte, Hrsg.: Jürgen Lafrenz, Deutschland 2001
  • Expo 2000, eine Weltausstellung in Hannover“, Chinesi­sche Monatszeitschrift „Time & Architecture“,  VR-China 2001, in Zusammenarbeit mit der chinesischen Architektin Xiaojun Li
  • „New Educational Approaches to Descriptive Geometry in the Field of Architecture Dynamic Presentations“,Konferenzvortrag und -schrift, Ninth International Conference on Geometry and Grafics, Johannesburg, South Africa, 28.-31. Juli 2000, in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albert Schmid-Kirsch
  • „Integration neuer Präsentationstechniken für die Architektur­ausbildung“ in der darstellenden Geometrie, Symposiumsvortrag und -schrift, Symposium Darstellende Geometrie, Dresden, Deutschland 16.-17. Juni 2000, in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albert Schmid-Kirsch
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